Protect Paradise: Rally to Ban Fracking and Offshore Drilling


  • Join us for a rally to ban fracking and offshore drilling on Saturday, December 9, from 10:30-11:30 am at Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park (601 Old Water St, Tampa, behind Amalie Arena). For the second year in a row, a bipartisan coalition of legislators is working together to make Florida the 4th state to ban fracking. But we can’t pass the bills (SB 462 and HB 237) without support from leaders in the Legislature, like House Speaker Richard Corcoran. Additionally, legislation supporting extending the moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf has been introduced in the state legislature (HR 319 and SR 550).
  • We need to show Florida legislators, especially Speaker Corcoran, that they must stand and protect the health and livelihoods of Floridians by ensuring fracking is banned and drilling isn’t allowed off our shores. Big Oil and Gas will stop at nothing to ensure legislators do their bidding in Tallahassee. We must send a strong message that Speaker Corocran and all our legislators must represent Floridians NOT polluters.
To get involved email [email protected]!


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